Gareth James Wall: they'll be bought by tata and become 'indian' :-p
Surender Komera :
Foreign banks or universities (anyway controlled by Indian regulators/authorities)..brings in competition to the existing players and add international flavor to the services.......consumer/students have more options and will get benefits!!... Foreign investments..if so controlled and channeled into right direction..... boosts the economy and more jobs!!................... Lets not give any (so called) colonial meaning to the word 'foreign' and cultivate hatred......... after all no one can make us anymore as their colony.................Lets think global!!
Anver Sadath one is the influence of CDS and other one is the influence of IFMR
Surender Komera You may call it the influence.. It is more practical view, what do u say?
Krishna Reddy Chittedi
@Surender anna
Of course that is postive side...but without any sustainable development in the domestic economy...when you open our economy to world.......In india majority of the population may mis the benfits from this kind of policy's....... ya..stil you may not agree with me..but We need to have more focus on the gross roots...i have not seen big changes in the villages...
Of course that is postive side...but without any sustainable development in the domestic economy...when you open our economy to world.......In india majority of the population may mis the benfits from this kind of policy's....... ya..stil you may not agree with me..but We need to have more focus on the gross roots...i have not seen big changes in the villages...
Brajabandhu Swain Anything excess is bad, samething will happen
John Hyderabadi Do we have Indian culture alive ? Is panjab a punjab? Is hyderabad a hyderabad? we don't have a single city which represents our culture any were so better adopt changes ...
Srihari Naidu
why should there be worry, as long as the so called "foreign" banks or universities are properly regulated, so, the question in not "Foreign" but "Domestic"......v do have amazing policy makers but unfortunately, v do not have "....."people... to implement those policies.........
any how, on foreign banks issue, to put it in economic terms, there should not be any restrictions on capital, if so, then in the long run there will be growth equivalence in all the countries.
on Universities issue........i completely agree with Srender, the competition will bring radical changes to Indian education system......and max the consumer(students) welfare........
any how, on foreign banks issue, to put it in economic terms, there should not be any restrictions on capital, if so, then in the long run there will be growth equivalence in all the countries.
on Universities issue........i completely agree with Srender, the competition will bring radical changes to Indian education system......and max the consumer(students) welfare........
Krishna Reddy Chittedi
Krishna Reddy Chittedi
Rajesh Acharya
((Note: Krishna reddy, is a Ph.D. student at CDS, Trivandrum;
@ Sri hari
Till now in India common man cannot access the bank and credit facilities …for whom this capital? Is it to improve the more inequalities? As you know, In India many sections of the people not able to enjoy the benefits from the d...omestic services (social welfare)…do you think many “foreign” …….will bring more welfare to the India?
What you think about fee structure about these universities? Do you think common man can afford to get into these universities? Many of them not aware of Education loans….first get into the institutions… ..he/she need to have minimum financial support…
Till now in India common man cannot access the bank and credit facilities …for whom this capital? Is it to improve the more inequalities? As you know, In India many sections of the people not able to enjoy the benefits from the d...omestic services (social welfare)…do you think many “foreign” …….will bring more welfare to the India?
What you think about fee structure about these universities? Do you think common man can afford to get into these universities? Many of them not aware of Education loans….first get into the institutions… ..he/she need to have minimum financial support…
Krishna Reddy Chittedi
I will give example…to get into IIMs in India…its not easy task…if I want clear the test also I need some financial support...will your banks or anybody will sponsor for my trail (preparation cost) to get into IIMs?
I too agree overall it m...ay improve the efficiency …but to improve the efficiency…not necessary to have so called “Foreign”…
I too agree overall it m...ay improve the efficiency …but to improve the efficiency…not necessary to have so called “Foreign”…
Surender Komera
There are many examples in practice.....'competition improves the efficiency'...... it may be from any source.. why not from an institution which adhere to the laws of land and brings in global expertise? ....... most of us came from a stat......e run regional universities and lower middle class families.........let me not cite the examples how the resources are wasted in domestic not saying it is happening all the institutions/universities.............. but wherever it happens......should be eliminated.......i believe we study.... competition allocates the resources better and improves the efficiency.... i agree there are market failures......... (eg. our Reddy's case of not able to enter into IIMs)....lets look for the options to fix them....... may be lobby for the govt sponsored coaching centers.......... again u may raise the question of effective execution (as srihari suggested)........hope competition awakes the people to lobby for fixing the systemic failures!!.............After all we don't dislike competition and more choices!!
Krishna Reddy Chittedi
If “Foreign” entries (competition) improve the efficiency , absolutely i do not have any issue. But my concern Here is the competition should not be with two extreme cases firm is more efficient ( Say Foreign) and another firm inef...ficient (say domestic), Even you also mentioned the condition of our regional Universities)....before going to Foregin..., we should have basic needs for majority of the people to face this competition... In India lack of awareness, Information asymmetry and proper regulation r implementation is the major issues. First we need to solve the domestic issues and strength our self..then we can think about “Foreignn........” But am not completly ruling out of the role of “foreign” in the economy.
Rajesh Acharya
First of all I don't understand Reddygaru's concern. Why are you so concerned about quality difference between domestic and foreign. Do you mean that our existing system is egalitarian. Forget about foreign and private institutions, What ab...out quality difference even in public funded premier institutions and regional institutions.
How many years you need to go global. I don't think our regional institutions will come to global standards if they are kept in captivity. Let every one know where they stand in terms of quality. Let us have one IIT, IIM, CU and may be even a foreign university in every state. But still I don't simply believe that bringing some elite institutions will solve the problem we have. It may well end up in creating a situation of academic apartheid.
Our main problem is not with higher education but with basic primary education. If you have a government primary school, convent, an international school in a region, we decide who goes to a regional university, elite institution and may be for a foreign university in their first few years of schooling.... First we need to look at our primary eduction otherwise making some ideological clashes on foreign or desi,,, or something like that,,,,, is just futile.
How many years you need to go global. I don't think our regional institutions will come to global standards if they are kept in captivity. Let every one know where they stand in terms of quality. Let us have one IIT, IIM, CU and may be even a foreign university in every state. But still I don't simply believe that bringing some elite institutions will solve the problem we have. It may well end up in creating a situation of academic apartheid.
Our main problem is not with higher education but with basic primary education. If you have a government primary school, convent, an international school in a region, we decide who goes to a regional university, elite institution and may be for a foreign university in their first few years of schooling.... First we need to look at our primary eduction otherwise making some ideological clashes on foreign or desi,,, or something like that,,,,, is just futile.
((Note: Krishna reddy, is a Ph.D. student at CDS, Trivandrum;
Srihari Naidu, is a Ph.D. student at HCU, Hyderabad.
Anwar Sadath is faculty at Kasargod central University and a doctorate from HCU,
Brajabandu Sahu, a Doctorate from CDS
Rajest Acharya is a Doctorate from HCU))
Rajest Acharya is a Doctorate from HCU))
1 comment:
It is interesting to note how different minds from same department(hope i am not wrong) have opinions on the issue of foreign Universities. I partially agree with Rajesh ji and also disagree as the idea of education has something to do with our mindset. We want foreign university professors to guide us and will be more than happy to go abroad to study in a foreign university. The standards set in mind is something phenomenon in India. I always say that Indian's are obsessed with white skin because we were ruled by the British...think of a situation if we were ruled by the africans!!! . some of us are against it as they is a subtle fear that we the funds may go to the private universities and chunk of the students getting educated in foreign universities may supersede in jobs and placements...unable to bring out frustration all this is happenning...let us take the challenge and show our standards and make better academic living for our brothers and sisters so that one day they will say see so many foreigners are planning to come to India for education and our children should get mails of requesting introduction to some of our universities...
Nanda Kishor
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